canebrake rattlesnake การใช้
- Among the top predators of adult Carolina wrens are domestic cats, and snakes such as the canebrake rattlesnake.
- In 1993, O'Shea was bitten by a canebrake rattlesnake ( " Crotalus horridus atricaudatus " ) and almost died.
- There are some canebrake rattlesnakes, and there is one diamondback, " he says, grabbing a snake tong modified to look like a human arm.
- The eastern coral snake, Texas coral snake, copperhead, western cottonmouth, western pygmy rattlesnake, and the eastern diamondback rattlesnake and canebrake rattlesnake can all be found in Louisiana.
- The preserve is home to numerous rare species of plants and animals; those found in the forest include silky camellia ( " Stewartia malacodendron " ) and canebrake rattlesnakes ( " Crotalus horridus " ), while the swamps host Dismal Swamp southeastern shrews ( " Sorex longirostris fisheri " ), epiphytic sedge ( " Carex decomposita " ), and Dukes'skipper ( " Euphyes dukesi " ).